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Water Damage 2021

At the turn of the year 2020/2021, we were able to move into our space in the O-Werk with a delay of about one year on the construction side and really get started with the furnishing and expansion of the new premises. At least that's what we thought. But unfortunately, in 2021 there was major water damage at the end of June, which largely destroyed the lower floor. An excavation pit right next to the building wall filled up and about 40,000 liters of water entered the building - also through a sanitary facility, which led to contamination. So (almost) back to shell construction in the complete basement.

Moving in (Again) 2022/2023

By the end of 2022, most of the required major renovation was completed, the space was handed back to the RUB by the contractor, and we were able to slowly settle back in. However, the alternative construction designs, the damage to our equipment, and the many construction inspections and meetings led to delays in equipping the workshops, and severely limited the usability of the lower floor even months later. The lower floor itself - and especially the larger workshops there - could thus only be put into operation piece by piece in the course of 2023.


Here are some moving and touching impressions of the flooded construction site, the water in the basement and cellar, and the journey of a shoe (which must have swum in the night of the damage, and now lies again at the starting point of its journey).

Last update: 2024-02-15 / Created: 2023-06-05

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