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Opening Hours

Open Makerspace Tue + Thu

The best time to visit us is during Open Makerspace - our regular open hours for all:

Open Makerspace is every Tuesday and Thursday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The General Safety Instruction takes place exclusively in the context of the Open Makerspace and lasts approximately 45 minutes.

May I Visit at Other Times as Well?

Please understand that we usually have to decline requests for general use of the Makerspace for general making outside of opening hours. However, if it is about an appointment for an event, a group tour, a teaching event or similar, feel free to contact us!

Why can't I visit at other times and work on my project?

Beyond the Open Makerspace hours, we have other commitments as a team and a facility. We supervise seminars, conduct workshops and other events in and out of the house, manage special projects, operate machines, perform maintenance, handle administrative tasks, attend external appointments, and much more. Consequently, outside the Open Makerspace hours, supervision and safety in the Makerspace are not ensured or are ensured differently than within the Open Makerspace.

We understand that employed individuals would like to have activities during evenings and weekends, and we, as a team and makers ourselves, sometimes feel the same way. However, as a structure of public administration, implementing such a schedule is not straightforward due to various reasons. Nonetheless, we are actively considering this topic in the long term and are open to having goal-oriented discussions about it.

Registration for the Open Makerspace

If you want to register for an Open Maker, you can easily do so via our calendar. You'll find all the current dates, workshops and events there.

Last update: 2023-11-02 / Created: 2023-06-05

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