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Status and Usability

The Makerspace - Continuously Under Construction

Our workspaces will be built up and put into operation over the entire project duration of the Worldfactory Start-up Center. The Design Lab, the Media Lab, the Co-Working Area and the Project and Seminar Rooms on the Ground Floor have formed the starting point. The other workshops will be put into operation piece by piece. There will also be movement beyond the set-up phase, because a Makerspace can never be "finished" - it is constantly evolving: through very different uses and projects.

Info Boxes About the Status of Single Areas

On these websites you will find notes about the status of areas or devices in various places that look like this or something similar:

This area is under construction - click for more information

Sometimes there is more information about when something will happen in the respective area. However, in many cases we cannot foresee this ourselves.

'Work folders' with more information

The goal of these web pages is to provide a reasonably compact and generally understandable overview of our equipment. For actual use, however, we all naturally need various other information and materials, such as operating manuals, operating instructions, templates and samples, tutorials and the like.

We provide you with material of this kind in 'work folders' related to our work areas. Links to working folders look like this:

To the work folder 'RUB-Makerspace' with further documents

In this folder you will find further documents for all areas in the Makerspace such as instruction manuals, operating instructions, templates and patterns, tutorials and other things that should make your work easier. As always: Together we are stronger - we are happy about every contribution to the collection of knowledge and experience!

The work folders are not directly part of our web pages, because they are built up piece by piece by different people and continuously developed. Since we use Sciebo - the university cloud to manage the folders, all Sciebo and Owncloud users can add the folders to their own cloud as they wish. All other people can easily visit the folders via any web browser.

Overview of all Work Folders

Last update: 2023-06-05 / Created: 2023-06-05

Lizenz: Creative Commons - Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen - 4.0 International
Quellenangabe als: "Titel, RUB-Makerspace-Team, CC BY-SA 4.0"
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