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Support, Partnership and Fundraising

The Makerspace is not only a place for teaching and research for start-ups and members of the RUB - it seeks to open itself to all people! It is precisely this outward-looking and open-minded work of the Makerspace that requires and deserves broad support, as this opening is otherwise only possible to a very limited extent.


It is possible to process donations (later also sponsoring) for the Makerspace in a structured way via the Fundraising Office and the RUB Foundation. Please do not hesitate to contact the staff office if you are interested or have any questions!

Makers in Residence

A first fundraising product offered by the RUB in connection with the Makerspace is the program Makers in Residence. The aim is to bring innovative "makers" to the "Ruhrgebiet" as multipliers. Find out more on the RUB website.

Donation Bank Account

Please use the following bank account for donations to the Makerspace:

RUB Stiftung
IBAN: DE27 4306 0967 4037 8139 00
Reason for payment: RUB-Makerspace + Your address for receipt

Cash Donations

On-site at the Makerspace, our cash donation box is happy to receive contributions of any amount! We use these donations to flexibly provide materials for individual user projects, as well as some "basics" like tea and coffee, and - if possible - materials for the general public in the Open Makerspace.

Please note that our cash donation box is anonymous and we cannot issue receipts for donations. For larger donations with receipts, the above route through the university's fundraising department is the way to go.

Donations of Material & Equipment

  • With material donations it is possible to help students, pupils and other users of the Makerspace to try out their ideas. We are always in need of various materials that fit our work areas. Even leftover materials can be of interest to us.
  • Donations of machines, equipment and materials can expand the Makerspace's capabilities in interesting ways. We are very open to anything in this regard - but have limited space.

Please contact us for in-kind donations directly.

Under the hashtag #Schatzkiste we also call on all users of the Makerspace to help each other out with "surplus" materials.

Donation Receipts

The RUB issues donation receipts for donations of €300 or more. This applies to both monetary donations and donations in kind.

The Makerspace as a Testing or Demonstration Center

We are open to cooperations with machine manufacturers who would like to set up machines at our facility, which can be used both by the Makerspace in everyday life and by the manufacturer for demonstrations, training, and the like.

Trying out new machines, tools and similar activities are also quite conceivable in the innovative environment of the Makerspace.

If you are interested in such cooperation, please contact us - or the team member responsible for the area directly.


We consider sponsorship on different levels as a possible future development for the RUB Makerspace. At the moment, we are still in the legal funding and fiscal review process for this and do not offer sponsorship opportunities.

Veröffentlichungsdatum: 20. Dezember 2022.

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