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Student Research Projects and Internships

Left, a man in side profile in black and white with 100% contrast. Right, a minimalized image of a cat and two leaves in gold. Both motifs are cut out of foil.

Student Research Projects and Theses

The RUB Makerspace is not a scientific institution and formally has neither staff with teaching qualifications nor an anchor in the regular teaching operation of the university. Therefore, we simply cannot advertise our own thesis topics.

However, we are happy to be a practical partner and a 'place of action' for theses, and we can also contribute to the content-related supervision to some extent after consultation. However, students must bring their own topic and a supervisor from a department.

We have staff with teaching experience in various areas and are also happy to talk to researchers about ideas and collaborations for theses, other academic achievements, and teaching in general.


In the RUB Makerspace internships are carried out from time to time. The interns have very different backgrounds - from short school internships to longer orientation internships to internships of several months within their curriculum. We are very open to applications.

Further information for interns

We are very happy about every single person who wishes to work with us!

Nevertheless, it should be considered in advance that the Makerspace is not representative of all aspects of work processes in business or industry.

Using the Metal Workshop as an example: Yes, we have that. And it is at least as well equipped as some workshops in the private sector - however, individual pieces are developed there, there is teaching and instruction, and there may be no production at all for a few days. For example, when the entire Makerspace team is busy with an extensive workshop in the Wood Workshop, for an event or something else entirely. So if someone wants to get to know the 'average' operation of a locksmith shop as part of an internship, the Makerspace may not be the most fitting environment.

However, the Makerspace can be of great interest to interns, for example, who (like other Makers in the Makerspace) have their own project ideas, who would like to learn certain processes - by all means relatively independently - or who can relate to the interdisciplinary environment for other reasons.

Last update: 2023-10-30 / Created: 2023-06-05

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