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Target Groups


Founders can take advantage of the RUB Makerspace to develop prototypes and, in some cases, even produce test series. Additionally, the media technology equipment can be used to create videos and photos for product pitches. The Makerspace is also available for start-up-related meetings with external investors or similar. As the Makerspace is part of the Worldfactory, which focuses on founding and transfer, founders have access to further support options such as team spaces and offices in the O-Werk and in the city (as announced in this news release (German)).


Students can benefit from the Makerspace by attending various courses or using it as part of their project work and theses. The Makerspace provides resources for the production of prototypes, media, and access to the Co-Working Area. We also value cooperation with student initiatives and the student body.


Teachers can use the Makerspace as a venue for their own teaching, including small lectures, seminars, and internships. The Makerspace team can also contribute to courses and provide internships during the opening hours of the Makerspace.


Researchers also need to produce prototypes, tools or entire devices in a wide variety of contexts, for which the Makerspace's broad range of equipment can be helpful. Hosting events such as workshops or sections of scientific meetings is also possible in the Makerspace. The Makerspace and its community of users can also provide an interesting field for research, application and experimentation. Last but not least, the Makerspace can be a partner for third-party funding applications and projects.


In the future, we would also like to offer companies the opportunity to use our infrastructure and to exchange ideas with other Makers or students. Within the scope of our possibilities, we also provide support in questions of prototype development or methodological competence, e.g. through workshops on the topics of 'Design Thinking' or 'Lego Serious Play'. We are already looking forward to exchanging ideas with institutions such as technology centers, chambers and associations in order to exploit possible synergy effects.

Children, Teenagers and School Classes

Unfortunately, we do not have any special offers for children, teenagers or complete school classes at the moment. If you would like to get access to the Makerspace as a young individual, just send us a request. We will then see if it is possible. If you are younger than 16 years, you cannot use the Makerspace or only in special cases.

For Everyone

The Makerspace is intended to be an open place where people with very different ideas can come together and experiment. Similar to a university library, for example, the Makerspace is therefore open beyond the university within the scope of our possibilities. Thus, all circles of people not mentioned above may also feel cordially invited to contact and visit!

Last update: 2023-06-05 / Created: 2023-06-05

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