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Contact Options

You have a question or a request? We are happy to talk to you!

Personal contact is often the best! Especially when it comes to complex projects - or to get to know the Makerspace and its possibilities. Just visit us during our opening hours!


The direct line to the Makerspace leads via Guido Kissenbeck 0234 32 20634.

Availability by phone

We try to be reachable by phone even outside the opening hours. Please understand, however, that our team is sometimes busy with users, at events, in meetings or other appointments and cannot answer the phone then. In this case, please try again later.

E-mail and Contact Form

The best way to reach us remotely is by email at
Alternatively, you can generate an email to us using this form:

Social Media

RUB-Makerspace auf Youtube

Read posts without user account in social networks / RSS feed

You can also find all the posts we publish on social networks here on our website under "News". You can also subscribe to the news as RSS feed (what is RSS?.

Our RSS feed

Chat Group

We offer a public chat group to the Makerspace community, which can be accessed via Matrix using the following group name:
What is Matrix?

Matrix is an open standard for chatting (and more). The system is used as a messenger at the RUB and in many other organizations because it is a good, secure and open source alternative to well-known but privacy problematic systems like Discord, Slack, Telegram and the like.

Matrix is federated, i.e. you can create an account on one of the many public Matrix servers (e.g., - and many more) and then join our group from there (which is located on the RUB's Matrix server). To do this, you just have to search for the above name of our group and press "join".

The TU-Dresden has written an excellent German manual for Matrix, which we would like to recommend to everyone who wants to know more.

Last update: 2024-02-29 / Created: 2023-06-05

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Quellenangabe als: "Titel, RUB-Makerspace-Team, CC BY-SA 4.0"
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